5 Novel Ways to Recruit Real Estate Agents in 2022
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Date: Feb 3rd, 2022

One of the most important parts of running a successful real estate brokerage is hiring and retaining the best real estate agents. In short, you need to step up your recruitment efforts year after year. This is especially true when you consider that every other brokerage is looking to hire the same high-performing agents as you.
If you need some inspiration, the real estate recruitment ideas in the linked article can help you develop a solid plan. In addition, you can also use the tips listed below to develop new strategies for recruiting real estate agents this 2022:
Ask Your Vendors for Referrals
No real estate recruitment program will be complete without an employee referral component. After all, next only perhaps to hiring managers, it’s your people who know best who can fit in and thrive in your brokerage.
However, there’s also merit in asking for referrals from your vendors like home inspectors, insurance agents, and mortgage lenders. They can provide you with names of real estate agents that they’ve worked with before, which can help you broaden your sources and fill your talent pool. Of course, make sure that you are talking to vendors you can trust. Ultimately, this can result in mutually beneficial referrals for both parties.
Boost Your Retention Strategies
If you aren’t able to make real estate agents stay with your brokerage for long, it can turn off potential candidates from applying. They might make assumptions about why people leave, which can affect your brokerage’s reputation. As such, if you want to recruit the best real estate agents, you must work on your retention programs first.
When your agents are happy with their jobs and are able to achieve career growth, their satisfaction alone can help you recruit more talent. The word of mouth alone can serve the purpose of building up your brokerage as an ideal place to work.
In addition, hiring new agents is considerably more expensive than retaining them. In short, bolstering your retention efforts is a cost-effective way to recruit real estate agents. If you don’t have a retention program yet or your current one isn’t performing as intended, get on the case immediately!
Bring Top Real Estate Agents Together
One of the easiest ways to source and recruit the best real estate agents is to bring them all in one place. This usually happens during events, like networking luncheons and informal mixers. For a unique approach, consider holding a learning event designed for agents who want to learn from their fellow top-performers.
Think of it like a hackathon, but instead of collaborative computer programming, it will be the creme de la creme of the real estate industry engaging in meaningful conversations and stimulating discussions. You can also invite experts and leaders to share their knowledge.
Do note that while you want to attract the interest of as many agents as possible, it’s best to conduct this type of event on a smaller scale. Try to keep the attendees down to ten people or fewer. By making the event exclusive, you’re giving it more esteem.
Hold Learning Events
For a bigger event that’s open to more real estate agents of all levels of experience, you can conduct learning events such as seminars or conferences. This way, people can learn more about your brokerage and at the same time associate you as an establishment that adds value to their career.
Another benefit of holding such an event is that you can easily build a talent pool. Just make sure to ask for the attendee’s consent. Let them know that you’re adding their email address and business phone number to a talent network. Of course, be sure to provide the benefits of being part of such a network so that agents will be more receptive to being included.
With regards to topics, some of the best ones include digital marketing, social media marketing, and investment strategies. For more entrepreneurial agents, you can include subjects such as real estate business planning. It’s also always a good idea to invite high-performing real estate agents in your area—better if they’re from your brokerage—to share tips on how to become a top producer.
Recruit Even If You Don’t Have Openings
Some brokerages and real estate recruiters only look for agents when there’s a need for one. This might seem practical, but this is a good way to be left in your competitors’ dust. Remember: the best real estate agents are always in high demand. As such, you have to keep them interested and your brokerage top of mind. This way, once you have an opening and/or when agents are ready for a career change, your company will be the first one they think of.
Start recruiting now and cultivate your passive talent pool. In addition, make it a point to establish business relationships with real estate agents from your competitors; keep an eye on “rising stars” as well.
With these practical tips, you can hopefully find the best real estate agents for your brokerage this 2022 and beyond.