South Pacific Home with Pool for Sale, ID CODE: #2357

Sunrise Glory spectacular Mountain View Home!

ID CODE: #2357
  • Construction size: 280 m2 (2,987 sq. ft.) (Additional guest house 500 sq. ft.)
  • Land size: 4 Hectares (10 acres!!!) 

3 Bedrooms / 3.5 Baths (Includes guest house)

South Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for sale South Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for sale South Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for sale
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Friends would ask us, “So what is it like living at Sunrise Glory in Costa Rica?” We’re pretty certain those friends pictured us relaxing by the pool all day with pineapple drinks topped with tiny umbrellas. Not too far off the mark, but somewhat unrealistic. 

“Imagine,” we replied, “waking to the sound of hummingbird’s wings, the aroma of gardenias, and the color of fuchsia and burgundy lifting across the eastern sky. Imagine coffee—an exceptional brew--on the lower terraza as toucans chatter in the branches above. You breathe in the fresh ocean air blowing up through the valley and ask the first question of the morning. Should I take a vigorous walk along the mountain roads with my friends or go for a swim in the ocean, or simply lounge right by the private pool? Snip stalks of ginger flowers and birds of paradise from the gardens for the evening table? Play in the woodshop? Read in the shade, recline in the hammock or perhaps opt for a local adventure…kayaking, zip-lining, quad rides, horseback rides or cave swims… The list of options extends outward like young branches. 

South Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for saleSouth Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for saleSouth Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for sale

You gaze across three ranges of mountains to the tallest peak in Central America, the proud and challenging Chirripo so many locals boast (with reason) of climbing. From the peak you can see both the Pacific and the Caribbean. This day, however, will be best spent at the house. Smoothies from fruit gathered on the property sounds good--bananas, mangos, cherries, star and passion fruit, papayas, and of course, pineapples.” 
“It is,” we tell those awe-struck friends, “a most tranquil haven, a place where capuchin monkeys, sloths, and pizotes come to visit, where birds of a hundred species flock, and a thousand butterflies gather. It is a place where you can choose which path to walk down each day.” 

It isn’t surprising how many of those friends have come to visit. But that’s just fine. We have plenty of room. 

Outside Features: 

The entire back of the house opens to a large balcony. The balcony consist of a pool and cool breezes from the mountains not to mentioned the views. Other features include a rancho/pool house and a storage house located on the northern side of the house.

South Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for saleSouth Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for saleSouth Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for sale
South Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for saleSouth Pacific real estate, mountain view home, swimming pool, guest house, home with acreage for sale


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