Commercial Ideal Lot in Playa Chiquita, ID CODE: #3983

Commercial Lot Opportunity

ID CODE: #3983
Sales Price: US$240,000
  • Land size: 1,000 m2 / 10,760 sq.ft. / 0.2 Acre

playa chiquita, puerto viejo, caribbean, beach property, commercialplaya chiquita, puerto viejo, caribbean, beach property, commercialplaya chiquita, puerto viejo, caribbean, beach property, commercial Click on the pictures to enlarge

Located in the heart of Playa Chiquita neighborhood, this lot is ideal for a commercial enterprise or a couple of beach cabins.

It is located at only steps from the main pedestrian entrance to the favorite beach in the area for snorkeling and enjoying the natural swimming pools of clear turquoise waters. Lots of customers would pass and notice your business during the day when they go to the beach, to the supermarket or to pick up their kids at the nearby school, or even tourist biking around. It is also an active place during the night, when people go to live music at restaurants only a few meters from the lot.

The mood is not that of a party scene; it is a bohemian atmosphere, unique items shops and a mix of residential houses and boutique hotels.

The property has a creek bordering it, with clean water. It has tots of shade from fruit trees such as water apple, coconut palms and a big bamboo at a corner that could be trimmed in case you would like to have more sun coming in. The good thing is that it takes a few days to cut what you need to cut, but it takes years to grow it. In this case, you get to choose what is more convenient for your purpose: either jungle vibes or sunny vibes.

The owner is open to sell half of the lot (500m2 or 4400sq feet) depending on the terms of negotiation.

playa chiquita, puerto viejo, caribbean, beach property, commercialplaya chiquita, puerto viejo, caribbean, beach property, commercialplaya chiquita, puerto viejo, caribbean, beach property, commercialplaya chiquita, puerto viejo, caribbean, beach property, commercialplaya chiquita, puerto viejo, caribbean, beach property, commercial

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