Properties in Costa Rica Blog

Tag Archives: tropical paradise

Rainy season in Costa Rica

Rainy season in Costa Rica

July 22, 2024

Properties in Costa Rica

The rainy season in Costa Rica generally spans from May to November. This time of year is marked by frequent rainfall, often manifesting as afternoon showers or thunderstorms. Despite the rain, the Green Season offers several benefits for visitors:

  1. Lush Scenery: The landscapes transform into vibrant, green vistas with thriving rainforests and abundant wildlife.
  2. Lower Prices: Many hotels and tours provide discounts during this period, making it a more cost-effective time to visit.
  3. Fewer Crowds: Popular tourist spots are less crowded, offering a more peaceful experience.
  4. Wildlife Viewing: Certain animals, like sea turtles, are more active and easier to spot during the Green Season.
  5. Surfing: The Pacific Coast sees larger swells, creating excellent conditions for surfers.

Although some areas may experience heavy rainfall, especially in October, mornings are often clear and sunny, allowing for numerous outdoor activities. The Caribbean side of Costa Rica typically enjoys more consistent weather and can be a good option during the Green Season.

Photo by Pexels

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Alicia Silverstone Takes a Break in Costa Rica’s Tropical Paradise

Alicia Silverstone Takes a Break in Costa Rica’s Tropical Paradise

April 12, 2024

Properties in Costa Rica

Renowned actress and environmental advocate Alicia Silverstone has recently been spotted enjoying a serene holiday in the lush landscapes of Costa Rica. Best known for her iconic roles in films like “Clueless” and her dedication to sustainable living, Silverstone seems to have found the perfect getaway amidst Costa Rica’s natural beauty.

Silverstone, known for her passion for healthy living and eco-conscious lifestyle, has long been an advocate for environmental causes. Her choice of Costa Rica as a vacation destination aligns perfectly with her values, as the country is celebrated for its commitment to sustainability and preservation of its rich biodiversity.

Silverstone, known for her passion for healthy living and eco-conscious lifestyle, has long been an advocate for environmental causes. Her choice of Costa Rica as a vacation destination aligns perfectly with her values, as the country is celebrated for its commitment to sustainability and preservation of its rich biodiversity.

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Why Life in Costa Rica is a good choice: From Students to Large Families

Why Life in Costa Rica is a good choice: From Students to Large Families

October 12, 2023

Properties in Costa Rica

Costa Rica attracts our attention for many reasons. These include its magnificent nature, diverse cultures, and friendly people. This large Central American country, bordering the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, offers a variety of opportunities for anyone considering it as a place of residence. From students looking for higher education to young professionals seeking career advancement. At the same time, it is also attractive to families looking for a better place to raise their children. In Costa Rica, every demographic group will find something to attract them to stay and never leave.

Costa Rica for Students

Benefits of Studying

Many students consider Costa Rica to be an ideal place for higher education. Costa Rican universities are famous for their quality of education. Also, they cooperate with universities abroad. Thanks to the friendly environment, students can develop their skills in peace. Besides, the vibrant and colorful culture makes studying even more exciting. The incredible landscapes make them want to explore this country deeper. And to enjoy life to the fullest.

That’s why students often don’t have enough time to keep up with everything and remain successful in their academic studies. This is where specialized services come in handy. Helping to write high quality research papers and essays. Among the proven and most professional ones, Edubirdie writes essays that will meet all the requirements. Namely, they will be structured, literate, and meaningful. Professional writers of such services will always provide students with qualified assistance. Thus, students can keep up with everything they have planned and enjoy life in Costa Rica as well as studying at the universities we will discuss below.

Universidad Nacional 

It is known for its emphasis on research and science. 

Universidad de Costa Rica

 It is the largest and most prestigious in Costa Rica. It offers a wide range of programs including humanities, science and engineering.

Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje

This institute specializes in practical vocational programs, such as repair and construction. 

TEC (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica) 

It is famous for its professional training in engineering, technology and science.

Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

This institute specializes in computer science and technology. It also cooperates with numerous international universities.

Costa Rica for Young Professionals

Labor Market and Career Opportunities

Costa Rica is a rapidly developing country. Due to this, it offers a large number of opportunities for young professionals. 

  • Costa Rica promotes business development, which attracts young entrepreneurs. 
  • The country is open to foreign professionals and supports work visas for specialists. 
  • The development of the environmental technology sector attracts professionals who want to work on projects aimed at preserving nature and creating a balanced environment.
  • Costa Rica is a popular tourist destination. Young professionals can develop a career in the hospitality and tourism industry.
  • The country also invests in education and research. 
  • Costa Rica also attracts international corporations, which creates opportunities to work in large companies and develop a career in global business.

Costa Rica for Families

  • It is famous for its friendly and hospitаble people. This makes it an ideal destination for families. The general atmosphere is conducive to the preservation of family values and strong familial ties. And the work environment in this country is rated as more favorable for work-life balance.
  • The education and healthсare systems in the country are of a high standard. A large number of public and private schools offer quality education. Medical facilities take care of the residents’ health.
  • The country is also famous for its entertainment, where families can enjoy their vacations together. 

Below we’ll talk more about entertainments. After all, they are certainly related to the country’s incredible nature.

The Natural Beauty of Costa Rica

It fascinates everyone who visits this country for the first time. Mountains, beaches, rainforests, and a huge number of natural reserves make this country an ideal place for outdoor activities and ecotourism.

Excursions to nature reserves. Here you can see majestic national parks, rainforests, volcanoes, and many other natural wonders.

Outdoor enthusiasts will discover zip-lining (skydiving on ropes), rafting, cycling, and hiking.

Water activities. A large number of rivers and lakes provide opportunities for fishing and kayaking.

Ecotourism. Іt is famous for its rich exotic flora and fauna. 

Gastronomic tourism. Costa Rica offers delicious cuisine, including traditional dishes. These are such as Gallopinto, Casado and other delicacies.


As we wrap up our journey through Costa Rica, let’s emphasize once again that this country offers something special for every demographic. Its attraction lies in the diversity and wealth of opportunities it offers. Regardless of your age, interests or needs. From students to young professionals and families, Costa Rica impresses with its diversity and capabilities. Its natural beauty and diverse culture make it an attractive place to live and develop. Where every day is a new adventure. 

Cory Shilling

Traveler and researcher of interesting places on the planet. Author of a blog about the unique characteristics of various countries. Exploring new horizons, she describes them in her essays.

Photos: Freepik 1, 2 and 3.

Kevin Costner visits Costa Rica!

Kevin Costner visits Costa Rica!

September 29, 2023

Properties in Costa Rica

Why is Costa Rica a favored destination for Hollywood stars, you may think? Beyond its captivating flora, fauna, lush rainforests, and verdant landscapes, the country offers a retreat from the spotlight, allowing individuals to reconnect with themselves amidst the allure of beaches, waterfalls, volcanoes, and more. The Central American nation has evolved into an exclusive vacation destination favored by world-renowned figures, including Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Catherine Zeta-Jones and her spouse Michael Douglas, Selena Gomez, George Clooney, Rafa Nadal, Leonardo DiCaprio, Mel Gibson, Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus, Beyoncé, Jay-Z, Chris Hemsworth, Matt Damon, and even the beloved characters from The Simpsons.

Last week, eagle-eyed onlookers at the airport spotted none other than Kevin Costner arriving to Costa Rica in the company of a group of friends, looking to enjoy the wonders of the country for vacation. Throughout his career, Kevin Costner has received critical acclaim for his acting, directing, and producing work. He has won several awards, including Academy Awards, Golden Globe Awards, and Emmy Awards, and has remained a prominent figure in Hollywood for his contributions to the film industry and his versatility in various roles.

Ariel Ortiz Hinojosa, an airport staff member, recognized Costner and approached him enthusiastically for a cherished photo opportunity, sharing his encounter with Trivisión 36 and describing Costner’s response as warm and gracious. Kevin Costner’s cinematic journey boasts landmark roles in legendary films, including “Dances with Wolves,” “The Bodyguard,” and “Field of Dreams”, and it comes to no surprise that he came to Costa Rica to get away from the frenetic Hollywood lifestyle.

As a California native, he continues to be a revered figure in Hollywood, known for his consistent dedication to storytelling, whether in front of or behind the camera. His enduring commitment to the craft positions him as one of the true icons of American cinema and yet another one that choses Costa Rica as a destination for some time off.

The Truth About Freelancing in Costa Rica: Pros, Cons and Opportunities

The Truth About Freelancing in Costa Rica: Pros, Cons and Opportunities

April 19, 2023

Properties in Costa Rica

If you’re a freelancer, you’ve likely had daydreams of moving to an exotic land and working under the shade of a palm tree. But that kind of setup doesn’t need to be a fantasy. In fact, millions of freelancers and digital nomads travel to places like this to make those dreams a reality.

Costa Rica is one of the most popular destinations in the world for freelancers, and when you know the facts, it’s easy to see why. This tropical Central American country is easy to obtain a freelance work visa for, offers a low cost of living, and is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes, shorelines, and wildlife on earth. 

But like all countries, Costa Rica comes with pros, cons, and unique opportunities. If you’re thinking about freelancing in this part of the world, read on to learn more about whether Costa Rica is the right destination for you. 

Is Costa Rica A Good Place To Live For Freelancers And Digital Nomads? 

The short answer to this question is a resounding yes. Labeled by some as the “Switzerland of the Americas”, it’s a near-ideal location for living and working remotely. So, what makes Costa Rica such a great destination for independent online contractors? Let’s go through a list.

  • Great weather all year – First off, the climate is very agreeable. While peak summer seasons can be very hot, daily temperatures remain at an average of around 70 F, and frequent rain ensures that nature is consistently lush and green.
  • Easy access to freelance visa – If you can prove you are an actively earning, self-employed freelancer, you can quite easily obtain a Costa Rican freelance visa that lasts 2 years at a time. It costs about $250.
  • Low to mid-range cost of living – You can rent a nice two-bedroom apartment in the city center for roughly $1000 per month, including utilities. Two adults can comfortably live off of $2000 a month, which is considerably lower than other popular freelance destinations around the world.
  • Expat-friendly community – Due to its ideal location and affordability, there are millions of expats, international freelancers, and digital nomad types living in Costa Rica. This makes it a diverse community of people that you can easily assimilate into as a newcomer. The Costa Rican people also have a reputation for being welcoming and friendly.
  • Fast internet – Costa Rica has a fully developed fiber-optic network that allows remote workers to conduct online business as they would in any other country.
  • Stable politics – This small country is known for its long history of stable democratic politics and progressive LGBTQ+ and environmental policies. Costa Rica is widely considered a safe, politically stable, and comfortable place to live for people from all walks of life.
  • Internationally compatible time zone – From November to May, Costa Rica operates on GMT-6 (CST) time, which is the same time zone system that most international clients use. This makes it easy for freelancers to take international calls or video conferences. There’s no daylight savings time, so the time never changes locally, but international DST may affect the available working hours.
  • Accessible location – Costa Rica is just a short flight or two away from North America, so if that’s your home, it won’t be hard to go back and forth as needed for work or family.
  • Beautiful nature and wildlife to explore – Costa Rica has some of the most beautiful natural scenery in the world, and some of the most fascinating wildlife. Spot various bats, monkeys, tapirs, and even jaguars in vibrant green conservations. 

All in all, Costa Rica is a beautiful, socially accommodating, and affordable place to live for locals and internationals. It’s also one of the safest places to travel in Central America, making it popular amongst younger freelancers or those with children to consider.

Are There Any Downsides To Freelancing In Costa Rica?

Every country has its ups and downs, and Costa Rica is no exception. But even so, the cons of living in this tropical country are quite manageable with the right attitude of adventure. Some cons include:

  • Underdeveloped roads – Many Costa Rican roads are rural and potholed, which makes traveling around somewhat challenging. However, as a freelancer, you probably won’t have as much need for local transport as the average working individual.
  • Slow public transportation – What little public transport services exist tends to be slow and poorly run. However, similarly to the underdeveloped roads issue, this shouldn’t be too much of a problem for freelancers who do their work remotely.
  • Extreme weather – In the height of summer, Costa Rica reaches temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees F. In the rainy (winter) season, it buckets down for days on end.
  • Occasional earthquakes – Mild earthquakes are common in Costa Rica, with small ones sometimes occurring daily and larger ones several times a year. However, major earthquakes only occur once every decade and when they do, damages are manageable.
  • Pick-pocketing – Although Costa Rica is generally considered a safe country, that doesn’t mean it comes completely without risk. Tourists are frequent targets for pick-pocketers, so you’ll need to keep your wits about you when out. 

Costa Rica is a vibrant country with lots of different natural areas to explore, people to meet, and wildlife to see. But if you don’t function well in busy, sometimes unpredictable environments, the pace and excitement of Costa Rica might not be the place for you. 

Costa Rica Is A Great Destination For Freelancers – If You Feel Like An Adventure 

If you’re a freelancer looking for adventure, Costa Rica is an ideal destination. 

Home to millions of other expats, remote workers, and digital nomads, you won’t struggle to fit into the hodge-podge community of internationals. You’ll also find that the welcoming community will help you with everything, from how to make an invoice with the correct details for locally available payment methods to where to find a new charger for your laptop. Plus, the cost of living is much lower than you’ll find in most other popular freelance hotspots. However, there are some infrastructural fallibilities to consider. 

The underdeveloped roads and public transport systems can be a bother, and extreme weather patterns may be cause for discomfort if you come from Northern or European climates. 

But if you can withstand the heat, rainy seasons, and somewhat lackadaisical atmosphere, Costa Rica offers a wonderful laid back lifestyle that makes it a very rewarding destination for international freelancers.


Exploring the Advantages of Owning Real Estate in Costa Rica

Exploring the Advantages of Owning Real Estate in Costa Rica

January 6, 2023

Properties in Costa Rica

There are plenty of reasons to consider owning real estate in Costa Rica. The country is well-known for its natural beauty. Its laid-back lifestyle is appealing to many. But there are also some significant advantages to owning property here that you may not be aware of. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the top benefits of Costa Rican real estate ownership. Whether you’re looking for a vacation home, a rental property, or a place to retire, Costa Rica should be on your radar. 

Let’s take a closer look at what this beautiful country has to offer!

Overview of the Real Estate Market in Costa Rica

The real estate market in Costa Rica has grown steadily over the past several years, with new developments and residential housing popping up across the country. While property in desirable tourist destinations such as coastal regions remains pricier than other areas in Costa Rica, you can still find an array of properties at a variety of price points.

Whether you’re looking for a beach-side condo, or a lush inland villa – Costa Rica offers something for all types of buyers.

With enticing locales and infrastructure that caters to tourists, purchasing real estate in Costa Rica is an attractive and lucrative investment opportunity for many people worldwide.

Benefits of Owning Real Estate in Costa Rica

Owning real estate in Costa Rica can be an excellent investment opportunity. Property values can not only tend to increase over time, but there are also great tax benefits as well. The lenient foreign numbers laws make it easy for buyers who are not citizens of Costa Rica to purchase property without any legal hassle.

Costa Rica is welcoming to all types of investors due to its warm and stable political environment, so it’s a smart choice for anyone wanting to invest in real estate for long-term financial rewards and retirement planning. 

Furthermore, rental properties can be incredibly lucrative in some areas, which makes the appeal even more promising. Taking advantage of the opportunity to own real estate in such a beautiful, vibrant country truly has its benefits!

Factors to Consider Before Buying Property in Costa Rica

For those interested in purchasing property in Costa Rica, there are several important aspects to take into account before making any decisions. 

Due to Costa Rica’s rural and natural environment, its infrastructure may not be as developed as in other areas. Therefore, prospective buyers should consider the potential distance from their residences to grocery stores, public transportation hubs, and professional services such as medical clinics, banks, and schools before investing in real estate. 

Other factors include whether the property is located near a city or beach town, local laws related to taxes and ownership rights, and the quality of water supply on the land. 

Those who plan to stay in the country for reasonable periods will also want to research the available housing options and check that their desired location provides adequate amenities for their needs.

Financial and Tax Benefits of Investing in Real Estate in Costa Rica

Investing in real estate in Costa Rica can provide substantial financial and tax benefits. Investors may be eligible for credits and concessions, such as reduced income taxes on rental income, caps on capital gains taxes, and waivers from estate taxes and transfer fees. 

Investors also have a choice of fixed or long-term mortgage instruments that offer attractive financing options, allowing them to leverage their investments for maximum returns.

Furthermore, Costa Rica’s tax laws are designed to make real estate ownership attractive by affording generous educational deductions and other deductions for interest expenses. 

For all these reasons, investing in real estate in Costa Rica is a great way to grow your wealth while taking advantage of many potential financial and tax benefits.

Tips for Finding the Best Investment Opportunities in Costa Rica

Costa Rica offers a unique and attractive investment landscape to those looking for long-term opportunities. With its growing economy, low crime rates, great infrastructure, and strong tourism industry, it’s no surprise that many investors are eyeing the place for their next venture. 

To make sure you are finding the best opportunities in Costa Rica, you should start by doing your research. Read up on the local markets and check the news to get an idea of what kind of sectors are thriving right now; look into laws and regulations related to foreign investment; network with people already in Costa Rica who can give you invaluable advice; and prepare financially. 

Even if it’s already a well-established business possibility or a successful startup, take time to properly study every aspect before taking action. 

Additionally, if you’re still unsure of how to invest in Costa Rica, reaching out to experts in this field will be key – they can help you make well-informed decisions that will ensure the success of your project.

Are There Any Drawbacks to Owning Real Estate in Costa Rica?

Owning real estate in Costa Rica is a popular choice for many people, this tropical paradise offers plenty of different activities that can keep even the busiest person occupied.

But, as with any investment, there are certain drawbacks to owning real estate here. For one thing, managing a property from abroad can be a challenge, particularly if you don’t have a reliable on-the-ground contact who can take care of things for you. 

Plus, there are several costs associated with ownership and upkeep, such as taxes and insurance that can add up quickly if not budgeted properly in advance. 

Lastly, being foreign-owned means that some legal issues may present barriers to what you are trying to accomplish – understanding Costa Rican law and knowing how to navigate potential obstacles is key when buying or selling property in the country. 

All in all, while ownership of property here provides its rewards, it’s important to consider any possible drawbacks before taking the plunge.

Wrapping Up

Despite the current effects of COVID-19 on the real estate market, owning property in Costa Rica still has many benefits. If you’re thinking of buying property in Costa Rica, be sure to consider all the factors involved before making a decision. With its natural beauty, stable economy, and friendly people, Costa Rica is a great place to own a piece of paradise.

About the author: Diane H Wong works as a writer at a custom essay writing service, Her favorite challenge is jumping into new technology and learning about the latest marketing techniques. In this case, Diane has a chance to share her experience with other people and stay on top of evolving tech trends.

Turtle nesting season in Costa Rica! 🐢

Turtle nesting season in Costa Rica! 🐢

November 15, 2022

Properties in Costa Rica

November has arrived and this means that we are going to start witnessing the arrival of hundreds of thousands of beautiful olive ridley Turtles in the Ostional Wildlife Refuge shores of Costa Rica. Why are they arriving you ask? Well, ‘arribadas’ start to reach these sectors of Costa Rica in the beginning September until December due to its optimal conditions for nesting and laying their eggs. The incubation period lasts around 100 days in the dark warm sand and typically, these mesmerizing animals arrive at night and when they come, they come in volumes, with records that register over a hundred thousand turtles only in one night!

The process that these turtles have to go through is truly admirable and to experience their hard work in person is a sight in itself. To be able to witness such a spectacle, it is important to note that since 1984, this land has been protected by the Ostional Wildlife Refuge which helps preserve the 15 km of beach territory from poachers that plan to steal the eggs for commercial purposes. The protection and conservation of these animals is crucial and for that reason, tourist access is also restricted by the SINAC (National System of Conservation Areas) in order to avoid other problems such as the use of white flashlights or excessive noises that ultimately disorient the turtles and complicates their nesting process. 

But don’t worry, if you truly want to experience the turtle nesting in a respectful manner as a tourist, what you have to do is reserve with anticipation and contact one of the several guides that work with the SINAC to ensure the health and safety of the animals (remember: if you are calling from the US, the country number extension for Costa Rica is +506).

If you have the opportunity and are visiting the Guanacaste regions of Costa Rica, don’t miss out on the chance of seeing these wonderful scenes in person! 

 As always, thank you for reading and we’ll catch you in the next one. 

Properties in Costa Rica 🇨🇷


1. CostaRica.Org (Ed.). (2018, December 5). Playa Ostional en Guancaste Costa Rica. CostaRica.Org. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from 

Costa Rica’s New Digital Nomad VISA

Costa Rica’s New Digital Nomad VISA

July 13, 2022

Properties in Costa Rica

A digital nomad is defined as a professional that uses new technologies to work, and who leads a nomadic lifestyle. Digital nomads typically work remotely, rather than at a fixed workplace.

The term has gained popularity in the past years and the number of people who live by this type of lifestyle has grown exponentially after the COVID-19 pandemic, where teleworking has taken center stage in almost all companies worldwide.

The most common activities of digital nomads are usually related to new information technologies, digital marketing, the creation and dissemination of digital content, such as videographers, influencers, bloggers or youtubers, graphic and web designers, software developers, etc.

Costa Rica is just days away from implementing a visa that will help and benefit remote workers all over the world, the DNV. A digital nomad visa lasts longer than a tourist visa (90 days) and it’s designed only for people who work for foreign companies. The digital nomad visa lasts up to 1 year and has the possibility to renew it for another year, if the digital nomad worker has stayed in Costa Rica for 180 consecutive days, so you can eliminate the perpetual tourist status.

The digital nomad monthly income must be at least US$3,000 for an independent person and US$4,000 for families.

As for the requirements, anyone who works as a freelancer doing remote work can apply for this visa. The person’s country of origin does not matter, as long as they don’t work for a Costa Rican owned company.

Even though the digital nomad visa is not available yet, some of the basic requirements known are:

  • Application letter digitally signed by the applicant.
  • Application form you can get at the “Migration and Foreign Affairs Office” or the Costa Rican Embassy.
  • Proof that you are a digital nomad.
  • Proof of stable monthly income.
  • Proof of health insurance (lasting the whole duration of stay in CR)
  • Government filling tax of US$100.00 (personal) or the equivalent in another currency.
  • Copy of the applicant’s passport.
  • Additional documents required by the General Law of Migration and Foreigners.

According to the General Law of Immigration, digital nomad visa owners will not be required to pay income taxes. In addition, digital nomads will be exempt from paying taxes on all imported essentials tools they use for work, such as computers, telecommunication devices, or any other equipment necessary to provide remote services.

They will also have access to local banking and can use their country of origin driver’s license.

The General Migration and Immigration No 10008 “Law to Attract Workers and Remote Providers of International Services,” legislation was developed and approved around July 2021, but has not been officially launched for implementation yet. Nevertheless, Costa Rican president Rodrigo Chaves signed off on the legislation this week, following the inclusion of modifications to make it more accessible and easier to apply.

Costa Rica is one of the favorite countries for the remote workers all over the world. Because it’s known for being tourist friendly, it’s one of the safest countries in Latin America, it has access to a large supply of short- and long-term housing, hotels, and weekend rental options, almost anywhere in the country, healthcare service is excellent, is surrounded by beaches anywhere you go and has an amazing wildlife!

So what do you think of remote work in paradise?

Written by: Fabiola Andrew Cardoso

January and February is the Best Time of Year to Visit Costa Rica

January and February is the Best Time of Year to Visit Costa Rica

January 7, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

The dry season is known as high season in Costa Rica and as the buzz of the Christmas holidays and New Year’s eve winds down, the second week in January starts the best time of year to visit Costa Rica. The overcrowding has died down as the snowbirds traveling on winter holiday return home and peak prices drop making it an ideal time to visit the country. The weather is perfect with highs around 86-94 degrees Fahrenheit and lows in the 70s. In the Northwest the “Papagayo” winds from the cooler air moving down from North America displace the moist, warm, tropical air creating an ideal climate. When rain does strike, it is brief late afternoon shower and for the most part, the weather is ideal.

The Central Valley and Pacific beaches are booming this time of year and it’s also the peak time for tours and outdoor activities. There are festivals, vibrant fiestas, bullfights, dancing and live music at different events all over the country. Wildlife is abundant and active making it one of the best time of year for an ecotourism adventure. From wildlife spotting to whale watching to hiking to kayaking through the mangrove forests, it really is an ideal time of year for the outdoor enthusiast to travel. You can also catch the turtles making their way to shore to lay their eggs.

If the beaches are not for you, you can venture to Costa Rica’s breathtaking rainforests and hike the volcanoes. Arenal is a popular spot to visit for volcanoes, explore caves, horseback ride through the lush terrain, and soak in geothermal hot springs. Take a canopy tour through the wondrous cloud forests or go white water rafting or explore one of the many wildlife preserves. Eco-adventures are a plenty for the nature enthusiasts.

For surfers, up and down Costa Rica’s Pacific and Caribbean coasts are some of the best breaks in the world. Both beginners and pros can catch waves here. There are also many resorts offering yoga and mindfulness retreats for those seeking a wellness vacation. Visitors looking for a cosmopolitan beach vacation can travel to popular Tamarindo or one of the nearby surrounding communities where there is a Four Seasons and world-class golf nearby. Boaters can also find paradise here traveling up and down the coast.

January through February are seven of the best weeks to travel to Costa Rica. It’s a peak time but still not overrun with tourists. It’s Costa Rica’s summer. The weather is perfect with plenty of opportunities to relax and have fun. The weather during this peak tourist season makes it ideal for exploring rainforests and relaxing on beaches too. There is also a good selection of rental properties available during this time of year. If you are considering buying a property, it’s the perfect time to explore the country to find the perfect match.

Jaco Surf Modern Paradise!

Jaco Surf Modern Paradise!

December 7, 2016

Properties in Costa Rica

Costa Rica biggest Surf Town Jaco Beach is located in Garabito, the youngest county in Costa Rica, it is a black volcanic sand beach.

If you thinking about visiting Jaco let me fill you in with some local knowledge; first of all know your level of surfing!

The beach of Jaco is 4 kilometers long and has three mayor surfing spots:

– South of Jaco is a very well-knowing area for learning how to surf, this part of the beach is where the majority of surf schools go to. This area presents approximately a 19° – 22° angle from the beach to the shore break, providing long easy right and left hand breaks. So if you are in the beginner stage or use a long board or boogie board, I highly recommend this area (this spot extends from Madrigal’s street to Hidalgo’s street). Given that this area of the beach has the easiest waves and safer spot for kids on their first steps as surfers. Prime time to surf 2 hours before high tide.

– Center of Jaco, this area extends from Hidalgo’s street to Bohio’s street. This part of the beach has two river mouths; Corey river and Quebrada Seca river and presents a 22°-30° angle from the beach to the shore break, this combination of steeper beach angle and two river mouths running into the ocean makes it a more challenging wave for intermediate to advanced surfers. It’s common to see some of the professional surfers as well as the Costa Rican champions training on this area of the beach. This is the closest area of all town amenities such restaurants, surf shops, stores, medical services, banks, bars and much more, making it a convenience spot after surf sessions. Prime time to surf 2.5 hours before high tide.

– North of Jaco, this part of the beach runs from the Bohio’s street to Estero’s street this area presents a 30°-40° angle from the beach to the shore break, this area is the most expose part of the beach to the swells directions and also a very steep beach angle produces a faster more aggressive wave. This spot is where the biggest surf competitions were held such; ISA World Championship 2016 / Central America Championship 2016 / National Costa Rica Championship Circuit 2015 & 2016 / ALAS Pro Latin Tour 2014. If you like fishing, on the north corner on this spot there are some schools showing up at the shore during; September, October and November. Prime time to surf 2.5 hours before high tide.

The north area it has been growing faster over the last 2 years with important developments such Croc’s Casino and Resort recently awarded as the finest build construction, you can also find nice accommodations at Bahía Encantada Condominiums, Aqua Residence and Best Western Jaco Beach which is the first beach Hotel in Costa Rica since 1976.

Come and surf with us and don’t forget to say Pura Vida!

Alvaro Solano,
Properties in Costa Rica Team

Surfing 2

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