Sustainability and Costa Rica
June 28, 2016
Properties in Costa Rica
As one of the most biologically intense countries in the world, Costa Rica has long been known for attracting people craving a more self-sufficient way of life. As one of the first countries in the world to be 100% powered by renewables, it serves as a mecca for those seeking to live in harmony with nature. The natural environment and climate is conducive to a sustainable lifestyle. Year after year people who want to grow their own food, be energy independent and have their own independent water supply move here. This trend shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon either.
From farms to eco-retreats to to permaculture to micro farms, there is a large, enthusiastic, committed community for sustainable living and green design here. The country is known for its eco-tourism, and it’s a major industry for this small country. As a country, Costa Rica was the first in the world to run 100% on renewables. What this trend reflects is a desire among the locals as well as incoming expats to simplify their lives. It’s about downsizing, simplifying in style, and living in harmony with nature. People crave a high quality life at a slower pace and Costa Rica delivers on that desire. The country’s commitment to the environment and protecting biodiversity means it supports the sustainable lifestyle new residents seek.
Costa Rica’s climate makes it conducive to living sustainably and the year round near perfect weather simplifies energy needs because the country does not experience large fluctuations in temperatures throughout the year. In addition, the climate also supports year round agriculture, which makes it easy for locals to grow and produce much of their own food. There is a lot of rich land available, and the relatively young housing stock means that homes tend to be simple yet built with current materials, and can easily be adapted.
Self-sufficiency is part of the culture. People purchasing property and homes here want to take more control of their lives and be able to manage their resources for a number of reasons. For some it’s simply about reducing cost of living, and for others, it’s forged through a deep commitment to living a more sustainable lifestyle, and for others, it’s about a lifestyle choice that allows for more independence. The available housing inventory offers plenty of attractive options for those seeking partial self-sufficiency to those seeking 100% self-sufficiency.
The fact remains there are a number of issues attracting North Americans and Europeans to Costa Rica. Self-sufficiency is a rich part of the culture and history; it’s not an idea people are struggling to grasp and adapt to as is the case for much of North America.These expats seek a simpler more balanced life, and Costa Rica is conducive to a self-sufficient lifestyle. It’s a top international destination when it comes to living a sustainably and finding a home to achieve that goal.