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5 Reasons why Living in Guanacaste is Good for your Health

5 Reasons why Living in Guanacaste is Good for your Health

April 5, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

Guanacaste is a mayor touristic destination in Costa Rica. People seek their pristine beaches, surf spots, and retreats to stay for a holiday or even entire seasons. Many visitors become locals after a couple of times of visiting the area, others do not think it twice and just move. Maybe a reason why they do this is because Guanacaste provides a better living environment than the one they enjoy at home. Some reasons researchers point out about why living in Guanacaste is good for your health are the following.

The food, Costa Rican food is fairly mild, fresh fruits and vegetables are very important in the mix and rice and beans are a staple of most Costa Rican meals. In Guanacaste the diet is traditionally based on products derived from corn such as tortillas, corn bread, corn soups and other meals using this ingredient. Only until resent years, there was no fast food restaurants or big chains in the area, and the life style here just focuses more on slow food than the fast one. On top of this, several producers and food businesses choose organic ingredients or even, grow them by them self.

The climate, living in a warm climate definitely favors those who have bones or joints conditions. Also the heat of the sun affects our endocrine system, endorphins are the natural chemicals in our body that make us feel relaxed and less stressed. Climate has a direct influence on our state of mind.

The air quality is essential to achieve balance in the body through the oxygen. You may only need one or two liters of water per day, but you need 13,000 liters of clean air per day. Guanacaste is isolated from factories, which makes possible a very high air quality. Properties closer to the beach coast in areas like Tamarindo, Flamingo, Potrero, have also other great benefit, sea air. Have you ever thought why you always sleep better after spending the day on the beach? Sea air contains healthy negative ions that increase our ability to absorb oxygen. The levels of serotonin in our body is also balanced by negative ions. Serotonin, is another body chemical that is linked with mood and stress, because of it and endorphins is that you feel more relaxed and with more energy after a holiday at the coast.

Sea water is also a factor, the sound of waves alters wave patterns in the brain calming you into a deeply relaxed state. Just relaxing in this way can help rejuvenate your mind and body. Researchers also show that floating in water makes blood divert around from our lower limbs towards our abdominal region. Fresh blood being pumped around the body brings more oxygen to our brain which makes us more active and alert.

Last but not least, the The Pura Vida lifestyle. This Costa Rican slogan says it all, enjoy life. It isn’t a secret that living in the country side far from the rush and hustle of the cities improves your lifestyle. In Guanacaste life can definitely be enjoyed like this slower and without too many complications. Proof of this, is the area of Nicoya nominated a blue zone by Dan Buettner and his team. They study communities around the world, in which the elderly live with great strength and vigor until a record age. Let yourself live a healthier life and come to Guanacaste. As the old Spanish says “en el mar la vida es mas sabrosa!”, or “Life by the sea is more delightful!”.


The Rainy Season… Our Favorite Time Of The Year

The Rainy Season… Our Favorite Time Of The Year

March 29, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

“How much does it rain in Costa Rica?”

This is a common question from my property clients, and it’s a good one. Nobody wants to invest in a piece of Costa Rican real estate if it’s going to be cloudy and rainy week after week. So, in this article I will explain the nuances of the rainy season, its regional rainfall differences, and its positive effect on our living experience.

Why The Rain Is Glorious

Most tourist and investors travel to the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica in the summer (meaning December-April). Whether your motivation is to beat the cold and snow of North America and Europe or it’s simply a convenient time to travel, the Costa Rican summer is b-u-s-y. What you typically experience during those months is sunshine… and lots of it. By March, most areas, even in the southern Pacific zone are dried out. This includes the hillsides and waterways (think- rivers, creeks, waterfalls, etc.). Summer in the tropics is hot, which works out fine if that’s what you are looking for.

I’ve lived in Costa Rica for 10 years now, and without question, the rainy season is my favorite time of the year. This comes as a surprise to many people, and I’ve figured out the reason. The rain in North America and Europe ranges from cold to downright miserable. In the tropics, the rain is much warmer and often refreshing. In fact, the rain serves a variety of purposes that most people do not consider:

  • Temperature— it is hot in the tropics, and the rain decrease temps by at least 10 degrees
  • Dust— as the roads dry out and experience heavy use, the dust increases. The rain helps to keep the dust down and improve overall air-quality. This comes in handy if you’re walking or biking places.
  • Growth— the rainy season is also known as the “Green Season” because the plants and animals love it. For example, the southern Pacific zone bursts into an impressive spectrum of greens and floral colors.
  • People— there are fewer people in the rainy season. This means easier to travel, to find accommodations, and most importantly… to find a quiet spot and r-e-l-a-x.

One misconception relating to the rain is that it “rains all day”. Mornings are characterized by sunshine and blue skies with bright white clouds on the coastal mountains. Around 1-2pm, the rain clouds pass over and it pours. The drops are BIG, and it’s quite the experience. Now, if you wake up to rain, do not worry. The vast majority of time the sun will come out in the afternoon.
There is a break in the June/July timeframe when we experience El Veranillo de San Juan (The Little Summer of San Juan). These sunny breaks vary from a few days to a couple of weeks, and they are very enjoyable… especially when you know there is more rain on the way.

Rain By Region

The annual rainfall on the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica varies depending on the region:

  • Guanacaste (Tamarindo, Flamingo)— 40-60”/year, heaviest in Sept./Oct. The rain often doesn’t restart until May, and February-April can be very dry will the hillsides dominated by brown grass.
  • Nicoya (Nosara, Samara)— 60-80”/year and very similar to Guanacaste to the north.
  • Costa Ballena/Osa (Manuel Antonio, Dominical, Uvita)— approx. 120-160”, the majority of it coming in May-November with that sunny break in “little summer”. With twice as much annual rainfall than the regions to the north, the flora and fauna are noticeably thicker and greener.

Abundant rain means full aquifers, springs and waterways. It inspires the jungle and all its trees, plants, and wildlife to grow. It cools down the tropic temperatures. It reduces the dust from the dirt roads, thus improving the air quality. It is beneficial in so many ways.


From a business (tourism, rentals, real estate) point of view, the peak season is in the summer. If you are considering investing in a vacation rental, the summer is the time you will make the majority of your income (higher rates and occupancy). But, the trend we see is more and more people are visiting Costa Rica in the rainy season. This is especially the case for those interested in relocating to Costa Rica. These clients want to see what it’s like in October, a month with heavy rain, ample sunshine, abundant colors, and minimal people. Ask any Tico or expat living in Costa Rica what their favorite time of the year is, and they will invariably say, “The rainy season.”

Pura vida.


Action and Adventure Activities in Guanacaste

Action and Adventure Activities in Guanacaste

March 11, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

Guanacaste is located in the North Pacific Coast of Costa Rica. This province is famous for its beautiful beaches gorgeous sunsets, and action and adventure activities. Surf, Paddle boarding, zip lining are some of the activities one can enjoy at its best while in Guanacaste.

Surf in Tamarindo has been number one spot for surfers since long time ago. All kind of surfers come from everywhere in the world because it offers a wide variety of surf breaks a river-mouth and reef. Surfers find this beach and waves perfect for learning or improving their skills. Because of the location of Costa Rica, it has warm waters all year round; this makes the experience even better for beginners. Beaches like Tamarindo, Avellanas, Grande, Negra, and Junquillal are perfect for this sport, in the other hand calm waters present in beaches such as Potero, Penca, Prieta, and Danta are perfect for other water sports, like paddle boarding and kayaking. Both sports can be seen as less active than surf but they definitely demand a big amount of effort and condition.

From the sea to the sky, even though lots of activities in Guanacaste involve water sports; Costa Rica in general is a pioneer in zip lining adventures. With more than 100 zip line companies in the country, Guanacaste hosts one of the most exciting ones. You will get to fly high above the canopy and between narrow canyon walls over the White River (Rio Blanco) on various zip lines. In addition, you can cross three hanging bridges and for the adrenaline lovers, two Tarzan swings. Costa Rica is an expert in providing extreme sports experiences with all the security measures need to enjoy safely. Having the opportunity to be where almost only birds and monkeys can reach is incomparable. Zip lining is an experience that everyone should try at least once in his or her life, however most probably is that after trying that freedom and exciting feeling you will want to repeat it repeatedly.

Other than the activities mentioned before one can go horseback riding, waterfall rappelling, river tubing, hiking or mountain biking in the jungle and much more. No matter your taste for adventure sports, if its water, sky or ground activities; you will definitely have most of the best possibilities down here in Guanacaste.


Costa Rica Celebrates International Women’s Day

Costa Rica Celebrates International Women’s Day

March 8, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

Costa Rica joins the world in celebrating International Women’s Day. Young, old, brown, white, and yellow women come together from all points of the globe to celebrate the achievements, struggles, work and lives of women. Women gather to form a chorus of voices expressing solidarity in achieving gender equity. The day honors the achievements and contributions of women to the world economy, culture, and society. It celebrates the many achievements of women. International Women’s Day is one of the few truly global holidays. The first International Women’s Day was celebrated in 1910 in Copenhagen. In 1975, the United National recognized the day, and by 2001 the day was in full force as a global holiday.

The day is a remembrance of the push to keep moving forward to improve the quality of life for women and honor life. It’s a day when women celebrate all things female. From weavers to mothers to CEOs, women take pride in their work. The work women do both inside and outside the home. As mothers, grandmothers, daughters, students, workers and leaders, women form the binding force holding communities together. Whatever role whether in the paid or unpaid labor force, women’s work is vital to our social well-being. Across cultures, religions and nation states, women celebrate the unique gender experiences they share as well as the struggles they endure.

Costa Rica ranks as one of the leading Latin American countries for female entrepreneurs. The country has made great strides towards gender equity in recent years. Currently, women attain 63% of university degrees. Far more women are college graduates than men. Yet, women encounter a much higher unemployment rate than men. On average, they also earn 28% less than men. Equal pay for equal work is a struggle woman share throughout the world. According to the World Bank, women in Costa Rica reinvest 90% of their income back into their city, community, education and health. A rate far higher rate than men. Costa Rica is a leading Latin American country in gender equity.

In Costa Rica and throughout the world, women march today to raise awareness around the challenges women face. From exploitation to trafficking to education to equal pay, women gather together as a force in the streets forming a powerful chorus that echoes around the earth. This day honors their beauty and power from the very young to the very old. Today is about thanking your mother, daughter, wife and grandmother for their many contributions and gifts. International Women’s Day reminds us that all women are unique, valuable and visible.


A Recent Howler Rescue Shows Just How Vital Wildlife Refuges are to Costa Rica

A Recent Howler Rescue Shows Just How Vital Wildlife Refuges are to Costa Rica

March 1, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

Wildlife Refuges play a critical role in rescuing and nursing back to health injured animals throughout Costa Rica. Recently, two-week old Howler monkey, Ashley’s Mom was electrocuted from an uninsulated electrical transformer in Nosara, Costa Rica. On her mother’s back, the pair climbed the vibrant trees. The family crossed over onto some electrical wires where the mother touched an uninsulated electrical transformer. A shock rose up the Mother’s back. She stumbled.

Rescue workers from Refuge for Wildlife responded quickly. A team helped get the baby and mother safely down from the tree, but it was too late. The shock was too much for the mother. She died a few moments later with her baby resting in her arms. Ashley desperately tried to wake her mother up. Crying and clinging to her mother, she kept nudging her mother.

The rescue workers compassionately removed Ashley from her mother. The team gave her a teddy bear and hot water bottle to soothe and comfort her. For days, the baby monkey cried. Finally, she began to recover from the trauma. She started to bond with several other orphaned howler monkeys on the refuge. Several days later through an outpouring of donations, the transformer was insulated.

Stories such as Ashley’s are not unusual. The main cause of death for Howler monkeys is uninsulated electrical transformers. It kills hundreds of Howlers each year. It is a big problem throughout Costa Rica. Wildlife preservationist work to raise public awareness on the issue and get the transformers covered.

Wildlife refuges nurse injured animals back to health caring for them until they are able to take care of themselves. Once healed, they get released back into the wild. If for any reason, they are not expected to be able to care for themselves then they take them under their wing. Some animals becoming life long residents at the wildlife preserves. The aim is to release the animal back into the wild. Sometimes, it’s just not possible. Rather than abandon maimed creatures, they are given a way to thrive in captivity. The refuges become a protective circle. With great care, they intervene to help the weak, injured and infirmed animals.

Many of the country’s refuges survive solely through the tireless efforts of volunteers and donations. Some are open to the public and function as an important educational resource. Others focus mainly on research. They study factors impacting wildlife, tag animals and track their progress for research. They collect vital data about wildlife and their habitats. These organizations provide a critical service. Throughout the country, people are dedicated to protecting biological diversity. Costa Rica is known for its plentiful monkey population.

These refuges are an integral part of the culture. The tragic death of Ashley’s mom rippled through the Nosara community. The local response revealed just how dedicated people are to protecting wildlife. Costa Ricans are active problem solvers who band together to get things done. This recent tragedy reveals the big heart of the country and their dedication to wildlife protection.

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Pick up Your Location in Costa Rica

Pick up Your Location in Costa Rica

February 20, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

Deciding where to live in the Pura Vida Country is not easy. Costa Rica has infinity of great places that can meet your budget and requirements. If you have the freedom to choose where would you live or spend your time in this beautiful country, then my suggestion would be to consider first what lifestyle you want to live and in what kind of climate; even though Costa Rica is a small country it has a great variety of climates.

In terms of lifestyle, if you’ve been to Costa Rica you’ll agree in general it’s a pretty chilled out country. In here family and extended family is an important pillar of society, religion is still quite strong amount all generations, and we haven’t had any wars or not even an army since 1949; definitely the “Pura Vida” slogan and philosophy derives from these cultural and historical factors. Moreover, we can definitely do the distinction in lifestyle between living in and out of the central valley.

The central valley consists in parts of San Jose, Heredia, Alajuela and Cartago provinces, is where most of the population live, and where most government offices, and economic activities develops. This is where the city lifestyle takes place, the Central Valley follows the steps of any big city around the world. You’ll find all commodities and services easily here, such as, shopping malls, trendy restaurants big supermarkets, main hospitals and much more. Lifestyle is definitely faster than in the countryside.

Living in other provinces such as Limon, Guanacaste and Puntarenas or a bit further from the central valley nucleus in cities like Atenas, San Ramon, and Palmares can let you live a more relaxed and slower life, enjoying nature even more. Costa Rica is a touristic country and a big amount of towns and villages enjoy easy access to services and commodities just like in the central Valley. These towns and villages are mainly located on the coasts or near attractions like volcanoes and national parks. Some of these towns are Tamarindo, Flamingo, Manuel Antonio and Puerto Viejo.

Climate is another important factor for choosing where to live, Costa Rica itself has an average temperature of 70 F to 81 F and has only 2 seasons dry and rainy season. Depending on the region this seasons are more or less intense. The dry season, which means less rain falls not completely no rainfalls, is about 5 months per year. The Central Valley enjoys spring-like climate year round and Mountain and high areas are cooler than the coast regions. In terms of humidity, the least humid area is the North Pacific coast where towns like Tamarindo and Flamingo are. This area is called “The Gold Coast of Costa Rica“, with less rain than the rest of the country and 300 sunny days per year. The most humid area is the Caribbean where Puerto Viejo is, this level of humidity allow the most exuberant scenarios and hosts incredible animal populations like sloths.

Knowing a bit more of what you want to experience in your Costa Rican home will let you decide the location that best suits you. After this is defined, finding the perfect property with a group of professionals in the area next to you is just a piece of cake.


Costa Rica’s Homes of the Central Valley

Costa Rica’s Homes of the Central Valley

February 11, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

The striking homes of the Central Valley perched in the mountains with expansive city views capture the region’s prime real estate market. Secluded, private and enchanting describes many of the homes you will find in suburban enclaves such as Escazú and Santa Ana just outside of San José. Also in the Central Valley is Heredia. The third largest city in Costa Rica, it’s surrounded by the smaller enclaves of San Rafael, Santa Bárbara, San Isidro and San Joaquín de Flores. Similar to Los Angeles, Central Valley homes offer striking vistas tucked away in magical places with lush landscaping and views of the vibrant city in the valley or the blue green waters of the ocean.

In recent years, gated communities have gain popularity in such towns as Santa Ana, Atenas, and San Ramon. There’s a demand for seclusion among homeowners as an extra security measure. In Grecia, you will be swept away by homes with spectacular views of the wooded valley. In San Ramon, “the City of Poets and Presidents,” is known for its jaw dropping ocean views. At 3,400 feet above sea level, the views from these homes will captivate your attention for hours. Enchanting describes many of the homes here.

Throughout the Central Valley, you will find an eclectic mix of architecture both old and new. Grand traditional colonial style homes populate Barrio Amon, Barrio Oro, and sections of downtown San José. High ceilings, ornate floor tiles, large center halls that incorporate victorian touches describe these elegant historic homes. Modern Colonial homes have become the most popular architectural style as well as eco-friendly green homes, and sweeping contemporary homes that maximize indoor/outdoor spaces. Modern colonial incorporate design details such as tiles, high ceilings, and thick walls as well as earthy burnt tones. The trend in architecture among builders is moving toward creating homes that are open and fluid utilizing nature as its backdrop. With such ideal temperatures, Costa Rica can build homes that emphasize a fluidity with nature that most regions can’t fully realize for practical reasons.

With the year-round spring-like weather, proximity to cosmopolitan San José with its many cultural attractions, museums, theaters, restaurants, shopping, and a burgeoning international community, the central valley is the hub for most of Costa Rica’s native and expat population. It is the easiest areas for expats to assimilate. Here, they will find a ready-made community complete with clubs and schools to support them in getting established. Excellent healthcare, modern telecommunications infrastructure, sandy white beaches nearby, hiking, organic fresh produce, and a relaxed lifestyle with easy access to urban amenities makes the Central Valley one of the most desirable places in the world to live. In recent years, living in one of the suburbs has become more popular than living in San José. People want access to San José with the space, security, and peace of living on the outskirts. The outlying suburbs have undergone a real estate boom attracting both Ticos and expats. For people seeking a Cosmopolitan lifestyle, and at the same time, emerged in nature, the homes of the Central Valley have it all.


A Marvelous Food Experience in the Outdoors of Pinilla

A Marvelous Food Experience in the Outdoors of Pinilla

February 1, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

The increasing offer of sustainable restaurants is a worldwide trend and the North Pacify Coast of Costa Rica, Guanacaste is not falling behind. You can easily find homemade products, organic suppliers, specialized shops, responsible restaurants and much more in the area. This is because sustainability is not a new or temporary trend, and it isn’t a secret the food culture is changing worldwide. In some regions more than in others, but at the end, this trend is all over the industry, from retailers to restaurants.

When purchasing goods at supermarkets people, are caring more about where does their food comes from and its green credentials. They want products with proven ethical and environmental sustainability. This behavior also exists when choosing where to dine out. You can see this demonstrated in the increasing offer of sustainable, vegan and vegetarian restaurants all over the world.

Sustainable restaurants are those who intend to be environmentally and socially responsible. Using ingredients that do the less impact and spending the less resources. Buying to local producers and using alternative or green procedures makes possible to reduce in transportation and electricity footprints.

Sustainable restaurants are definitely what we should choose when dining out. Just 25 min from Tamarindo and 5 min from Hacienda Pinilla in a very exclusive and unique way, we have the perfect option to spend some quality time and enjoy a delicious, healthy and responsible dinner. HiR, is the new restaurant in the area that rose quickly to top 10 fine dining in Guanacaste according to TripAdvisor. It’s owned by a business coach and private Chef originally from Belgium, who has lived all over the world, and decided to settle down in Costa Rica.

The philosophy behind this 8 seat restaurant is to generate surprise and wonder at all moments. From the moment, the guests walk into a garden in the jungle, and sit at the only 2 wooden tables with no waiters, no menus and nothing that feels like a fine dining restaurant; to the moment they start receiving 6 to 10 beautiful and intricate plates that look like coming from top restaurants in Paris, London or NYC.

The dishes at HiR are mostly fish and seafood based or vegetarian. Elaborated from organic vegetables, provided by a local supplier or grown in the property. The zero waste policy characterizes dishes at this exceptional place. “The more you travel, the more you are able to discover that what is considered waste in some cultures might be considered high value in others” is what the Chef says while explaining how he came up to with plates done with avocado seeds, estragon flowers, papaya seeds, and watermelon peels. The defeat of food waste is defiantly a topic among Top chefs, such as Tom Colicchio owner of Fowler & Wells the restaurant at the new Beekman hotel in Manhattan’s Financial District and one of US biggest culinary heroes, Anthony Bourdain. Bourdain is been collaborating with the Rockefeller Foundation on a documentary movie this year that shows “how everyone can make changes to minimize what we throw away.”

Mindfulness and awareness are key ingredients in every dinner at HiR, which is why there is no menu nor introduction to dishes you’ll have that evening, until the moment they are served. We often live like time travelers, looking into the future or the past without being completely aware of the present. When information of that close future is restricted we are forced to live the present and enjoy it as well.

In the chefs words, “It’s not just food. It’s an experience that stimulates the five senses. The reason why people don’t know the menu is so, that it’s a constant discovery. I spend an insane amount of time preparing every dish for 3 moments of magic: first when people see their plate, then when they taste what I cooked and finally when they learn about what they are eating. I love the joy, curiosity and sense of wonder, people have during their experience at HiR.”

HiR’s chef Noam Kostucki is mentored by Quentin Villers, another Belgium chef who has a one Michelin star. Chef Quentin Villers is now a regular guest chef at the restaurant, and the owner looks forward to create special invitations and culinary adventures working with other international chefs throughout 2017. Guests are invited to start as early as 4:30 to enjoy the view of the jungle between the sunset and the orchard in the property, until the evening falls, where food starts coming and people begin being delighted with 5 stars dishes and the beautiful sky of Pinilla with a million stars. Locals, both Ticos and foreigners have been charmed with this new concept of dining, hopefully more dining concepts like this will be developed in the near future.


Costa Rica: A Favorite Getaway for Celebrities

Costa Rica: A Favorite Getaway for Celebrities

January 29, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

Recently the Kardashian clan has descended on Costa Rica for a vacation and much needed relaxation. Kendall, Kylie, Khloe, Kourtney, Kim, kris and her boyfriend, Corey Gamble as well as the grandchildren, and Scott Disick have all arrived in Costa Rica this week for a winter getaway. It’s not the clan’s first visit here either. When this reality star family wants to escape the limelight, Guanacaste is a popular destination.

With a vibrant culture that supports creativity and the arts, perfect weather and commitment to sustainability, it’s no wonder Costa Rica attracts artists, celebrities, athletes and other creative types to its beaches and lush rainforests each year. Whether seeking a yoga retreat to get centered, a world-class surfing adventure, an eco tour complete with zip lining through the cloud forests, paddling through the mangroves, getting in some golf, or just laying low at the Four Seasons, each year the famous and not so famous flock here. Winter marks the high season. Packages, tours and travel agents are busy putting together itineraries for those seeking a specialized getaway in the sun.

Beyonce is among the notable celebrities who vacations along the white sandy beaches. Miley Cyrus booked a tour here while Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie spent Christmas here with their children in Costa Rica. Tours are popular because celebrities can take in the country and enjoy and an adventure that is well-planned. People like convenience and stars like their vacations to be personalized to their needs and tastes. Costa Rica offers a wide variety of high-end tours as well as top-notch accommodations and resorts. The country also offers a selection of boutique off the beaten path type places that are high-end and don’t skimp on pampering as well as customized tours.

Actors, singers, and pro-athletes search the coasts for vacation homes. Tom Brady, Harrison Ford, Chuck Norris, Britney Spears, Andre Agassi and Mel Gibson all own homes here. Celebrities snap up condos and beachfront homes. Anything in the province of Guanacaste is especially hot. Celebrities and the not so famous enjoy Costa Rica because it is a low key getaway. People can wander and relax freely without being overwhelmed by the public and paparazzi. Costa Rica’s attitude is very much one of “live and let live” and that allows the famous some space. The natural wonders and atmosphere provide the perfect private escape. Costa Rica offers a place for these high profile people to reset and recharge in privacy.


Corcovado Foundation

Corcovado Foundation

January 27, 2017

Properties in Costa Rica

The natural beauty of this Cloud Forest watershed property and this Wildlife Refuge development parcel, coupled with the business philosophy of the owner and also the appreciation I have for this beautiful country, have inspired a deeper passion within me. This passion is to work with properties aimed at conservation of the environment and along with that, the people who take an active role in its protection. In a world where the earth is valued more for what we can take out of it by force, as opposed to what it naturally provides us when respected, conservation of nature is a vital to our future. One of the many reasons I personally relocated to Costa Rica was so I could not only have more time with my future children, but also raise them to value, cherish and protect our natural world. Costa Rica is home to one of the most biologically diverse places on the planet, Corcovado National park, so it seemed fitting that the wonderful work of The Corcovado Foundation would be the ideal subject for my first blog on conservation.

Corcovado National Park (Parque Nacional Corcovado) was established in 1975, and National Geographic has called it “the most biologically diverse place on earth”. The Corcovado Foundation was formed in 1996 and is ultimately collaboration between local land owners and conversationalists to protect over 1000 Hectares boarding Corcovado. Over the years their team has established ranger stations and patrols to prevent logging and hunting. An intensive volunteer turtle preservation program was put in place in 2006 to protect endangered sea turtles and their nests, resulting in an impressive protection of over 90% of the nests in Drake Bay and Rio Oro. In Drake Bay over 450 sea turtles were tagged and over 77,000 babies were released into their natural ocean habitat. I was able to have a conversation with Alejandra Monge, the Executive Director for The Foundation, about her team’s efforts, and what inspired her to become part of such an important movement.

Alejandra was inspired by her father to be conscientious of nature and protection of the country in which they live; one of the inspirational acts was when her father ” 30 years ago started the first recycling program in the Cerveceria in Costa Rica”. Later in tourism school, her teachers were “biologists and geologists” who showed her the close bond between tourism and conservation. In 2001, she began her love affair with the Osa Peninsula and started working for The Foundation. 15 years later she works as the Executive Director, and while she now spends most of her time doing administration, she told me it is “the passion within our team which inspires me so much”. It is true; the dedication of the team at The Foundation is the definition of inspirational.

Take for example the work of Alvaro Amo and Helena Pita, who head the environmental education team, which provides leadership programs, tutoring and after school programs to 20 schools in the South Pacific. Through their efforts they reach 600 children and teens, not only educating these younger generations about protection of nature, but empowering older teens to lead the example in this movement and aid them in discovering ways to be actively involved. Their goal is to work with the ministry of education (MEP) in Costa Rica to educate teachers to integrate environmental protection into their philosophy and curriculum.

So to my surprise, The Corcovado Foundation doesn’t only protect flora and fauna. “In the 11 communities in which we work, local people often resort to illegal logging, poaching and hunting in order to feed their families. Many have very limited access to education and suffer social problems such as teenage pregnancy, addiction and abuse. By involving local people in our conservation projects and training them to develop their own ideas and businesses, we can improve the lives of rural Costa Rican people, while protecting the spectacular ecosystems that surround us.”

The Foundation is sponsored by businesses throughout Costa Rica, including hotels, tour companies, marketing groups, car rental companies, etc, who participate in their membership program. Through the program the Foundation provides educational programs to staff, action planning for the business and a variety of information on sustainable practices. This is provided in order to motivate all within a company to not only support their cause, but truly set an example though environmentally conscious business practices.

Near the end of the passionate discussion Alejandra and I had, which radiated positivity behind every bit of information she gave me, she informed me that the Foundation is in threat of closing down by the end of February due to lack of funding. My heart sank with this news. The heavy rains of the 2016 season affected their hostel business in Drake Bay which supports the foundation and volunteers, they were unsuccessful in grant applications and their fundraising was insufficient.

After I hung up with Alejandra, it was clearly evident to me that the small team (made up of 13 conservationists, plus volunteers from all over the world) who are behind The Corcovado Foundation are extraordinary people, selflessly working to protect not only one of the most precious biological locations in the world, but taking it beyond that to reach the hearts and minds of youth in an effort to better their lives. As a reader I am sure you would agree we need more people like this in the world.

What started for me as a simple blog article about The Foundation and statistics on conservation, has evolved into a call for support of this great cause and the diligent work of this group of people in this remote corner of Costa Rica.

Ways you can support The Corcovado Foundation:

– Donating online at their website,

– Booking your vacation with Marvin and Natalia at Drake Bay Backpackers.

– Popping in to their office in Agujitas and buying a t-shirt, recycled artwork, or tour from Charlotte.

– Volunteering with the sea turtle or environmental education programs.

– Registering your business as a Corcovado Foundation Make a Difference member.

Whatever effort you can make will support the rescue of baby turtles, the future of disadvantaged youth and the protection of a piece of the delicate planet on which we live, can you think of a better combination of causes? I certainly can’t.

By Z. Wright Part of the Properties in Costa Rica Team


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